Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Obligatory First Intro Post

I am a college basketball fan as a major understatement.  I suppose the most accurate description would be to say I am a college basketball obsessant.  I don't believe it is a real word but it is how I would describe "One who obsesses about college basketball."  Year after year I start preparing for March Madness in October, and it only builds from there.  I've got my bracket projections, bubble analysis, and schedule of notable games every year that I keep to myself as a hobby.  Recently, I decided I wanted to publish them in a public place.  Whether this is a place people will find or not remains to be seen, but I want them out there.

This year, with such a late start to getting this blog up and running, the ultimate focus is on Championship Week.  Fortunately, Championship Week is the greatest longer-than-a-regular-week week outside of the tournament itself.  Bubbles are still very much in play, seeding is still very much up for grabs, and the tournament field officially starts to set.  I've posted this all over the blog, but the ultimate message to be received is this: No one is eliminated from the tournament until they are eliminated from Championship Week.  Thanks to the auto-bid and the fact that there is only one Ivy League, this makes for some great basketball.  Every game means something.  Most are just to eliminate the little guys, but thats fine, every game means something.

So if you stumbled across my blog early, welcome!  If you read this far hopefully you'll find my analysis interesting as we build the final field of 68.  You can expect to see frequent updates about upcoming meaningful games as well as analysis of what the recently played games mean to the teams involved in regards to their seeding, bubble hopes, or conference tournament position.  I hope to have all of my data live in the next few days, so please, check back in regularly, start some discussion, and get ready for Championship Week!

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